Tuesday, October 17, 2006


"We gotta go and never stop going till we get there."
"Where we going, man?"
"I don't know but we gotta go."

Thinking about it, I don't have to actually physically be at work, there's a ton of bad weather coming, and there's a lot of places I haven't been where I could be. Car, guitar, macbook, ipod, cell phone, a sturdy but comfortable backpack and my camera. If I get bored I can do rude caricatures in exchange for sluggings on sidewalks. The digital hobo, mad for life. Out on the road!

It would be great! Yeah! What do I say?

1 comment:

Gene Ha said...

Interesting concept. I'd try to create a vague list of friends scattered across your path. Folks who wouldn't mind having you hang out for a day or two when you need some conversation.

How serious is this idea? Feels like Chicago is losing its hold on you.