Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Hulk Smash

And so, a meaningful talk with my friend C. It ended up that we hadn't talked about real things enough - I'm a little bit of a joker and sometimes dance around meaningful discussion. So, back to work, or back to looking at the road ahead in terms of tasks. There are bunch of utility functions that I keep on recreating that I'll get into classes for hopefully easy reuse in the future. I keep on making them for little experiments, forgetting the experiments, and then refiguring them out later. I'll just have to refigure some stuff out and then remember not to forget.

Tomorrow is Cartoonist Conspiracy night at Diamonds, and hopefully I'm able to attend the whole thing for once instead of just the tail end. Kate brought some delicious blueberries in today. I have to find out where she got them, they were succulent.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


It is late on a Tuesday night in Minneapolis, or in the box that I live in in Minneapolis, which is a part (perhaps hence "apartment") of a larger box. There has been some movement on selling the place I lived in in Chicago but no offers yet - maybe someone will be overtaken with emotion from the Bears' impending Super Bowl win and will run out and buy a condo. Maybe my condo.

Mason Jennings has come up on iTunes. I'm too tired, too agitated to sleep. I was going to write in a bit of the lyrics to Fourteen Pictures but I can't make out what he's saying (what is he saying? what is he saying?). "Looking for something that was just right here..."

I feel like I'm all beat up inside and old, a senior citizen hoodlummed in the park at night. Came home and worked, tried to sleep, couldn't sleep. Time to take some WalSleep and drink some vitamin water. I don't know that I'm writing to anyone in particular. I'm a castaway on an island writing to myself just to keep myself on this side of madness.