Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Wednesday Night

Fergus is now in full mourning. He keeps on calling for Rufus but no one responds. This is absolutely the worst timing for another week away. If there had been more time I could have borrowed Archer from Brian so that Fergus could get acquainted with him and see if they could get along, but it would be too risky now. I wonder if I can find a home for Fergus as I'll be gone quite a bit and he goes a bit nutty without company.

I popped online when I got home and there's Maxeem on Messenger, working away at writing a press release to promote his novella. Nearly spotless writing - only one questionable item, and that a suggestion from someone else. Donnovision 1.0 will be turning into Max-o-max with some help from Shad and I'll be looking to find a home for Sammy, the old laser printer.

On Monday I went to the Chicago chapter of the International Cartoonist Conspiracy's meeting at Clark's on Lincoln to see how the mix compares to the Minneapolis branch. The first thing I noticed was down here, I don't know anyone. Second, the skill range seemed a lot closer in this bunch and much more focused on cartooning. Third, the gender mix is about even instead of mostly male. I aim to take little breaks during the day to doodle so I can sharpen my skills back up, work on simplifying my lines and expressing more with less.

Saturday was the weirdest day. First thing was Rufus on the floor barely breathing, barely alive. Then a rush to the vet, and then Rufus passing away. It was weird because sitting there I thought I heard him meowing, but it ends up it was a dog. Rufus was very dog like. He barked, he played fetch. At PetSmart today I was tempted to take home a cat that looked like him.

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