Saturday, August 26, 2006

Dilettante Donn

Dear Diary,

Today I am off to downtown Chicago to take photos. While Garage-a-Thon 2006 has been cancelled, I'm figuring I'll stop at a garage sale on the way down, as I've been to only three this year and haven't found enough interesting stuff.

This morning is a Dunn Bros. morning and good lord is it delicious. Murder as many coffee shops as you want Dunn Bros. (other than Spyhouse) just never stop roasting those delicious beans daily. In my birthday box of coffee was a Dunn Bros. travel cup - I will use this with pride and no lingering bitterness. It seems I'm going through a pound a week of good coffee supplemented as needed by the Seattle Mountain Costco coffee, so if Adam was able to pick me up a pound of Spyhouse on his way out of Minneapolis I should be okay until I can stock up again.


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