Well, the Minneapolis Cartoonist Conspiracy is a fun time, but not the WILD FANTASTIC ORGASMIC fun I had convinced myself it would be while chained to my desk in Chicago. I need to find a way to keep more in practice in cartooning - not just doodling, but composing frames and fitting words balloons in and such. But then, free time has been at a premium.
It ends up that Kevin, Zander and I all got the same S.A.T. scores. Weird! They're cartoonist/writers and I'm... well... I don't know what I am. I felt an absurd happiness today as I left work. I didn't stop smiling for an hour. I headed straight to the Diamond's building to chill out and ready myself for the C.C. meeting.
It was good to be back amongst the PUNY folk for a bit - watching the interplay of insults between Tim and Vickerman, watching new guy acclimate to the wild funny environment. In half a year things will be so much different there. It's like watching leaves fall, a bit melancholy. This whole past five plus years seems like a single year. I lose track of how long ago things were, like all of my days up here during that time were continuous rather than broken apart by weeks or months in Chicago. Experiential time versus calendar time or something. Something like that.
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