Friday, August 10, 2007

The Road

My initial assumption was that my lucky streak had ended, and that I was in for an unlucky streak - things going bad of a sudden at the worst time. My front tires had developed slow leaks and needed replacing, my desktop computer had apparently given up the ghost to a quarter inch layer of cat hair clogging up the fan. But after mulling over things for a bit both of these are actually good, positive things. The Athlon X2 box had become my main computer and I had terribly neglected my MacBook, my on the road book go anywhere at the drop of a hat MacBook. And fresh tires? What could possibly be bad about having fresh tires?

So today will partly be spent reorganizing systems - getting the travel kit prepped again, turning a different under-utilized machine into a dedicated music recording/editing machine, another one into a file server/testing server/versioning server, maybe converting another one into a dedicated scanning server (possibly the tablet pc so the wacom can go in the travel kit with the macbook). And eventually I'll get some parts (motherboard, new case, new os) and reuse the Athlon parts.

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