Monday, August 13, 2007

Scanning Machine Set Up

Scanning printing machine set up, check. Billiard ball rear ended on Touhy Avenue by a woman who, according to a witness, "just didn't stop", yes. Even MORE stiff and achey than I had been... well, yes. Let's recap:

* Back goes out. Unable to move for a bit.
* Computer goes bad.
* Tires needed replacing.
* Rear ended.
* Ballast in kitchen has gone bad.
* Once again buried in possessions.
* Frittering technique has improved substantially.

Well, yes, this does seem like a trend. And if we were to do a regression analysis of these past couple of weeks we'd say I AM DOOMED. If this unlucky streak were to continue indefinitely that would certainly be so. All of my computers will go bad, my car will be flat as a pancake and need an infinite amount of repairs, I will be in a wheelchair in the dark because all the lights in my condo will have gone out, and I won't actually be able to wheel myself anywhere because I will have covered the place from floor to ceiling in rummage sale finds. Additionally, I will be better than God at preparing fried delicacies (fritters, french fries, fried meatballs(?)).

The thing about Donn Ha's, as noted by The Bat-Man, is that Donn Ha's are a superstitious cowardly lot who believe in things like lucky/unlucky streaks and karmic wheels. So let's review things in a more rational light and see what lessons the Super Supreme Being has actually presented us:

* Stretching and exercise are important! // Exercise more, stretch.
* Most computers can't function when the fans are encased in cat hair! // Dust my computers periodically.
* Tires wear out eventually! // Just a fact of life.
* The stretch of Touhy between Ridge and McCormick has a disproportionate amount of bad drivers and it's actually pretty amazing something hasn't happened before. // Take Howard or Pratt when heading west.
* I don't WANT fluorescent lights in my kitchen - they're practically useless for preparing food at night. // Replace the entire fixture with some incandescent lighting.
* If you thrift and rummage a lot, stuff will pile up. // I have multiples of everything I would ever want. Stop thrifting!
* I WILL be better than God at preparing fried things. // It's true.

Anyways, today was a pretty good day with much stuff gotten done, and the last two weeks have been pretty good in the helping other people doing good deeds area. Next week, off to Minnesota body shop permitting.

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